Do FISH come to the surface to BREATHE? Do PARROTFISH have sharp TEETH? Do MUSSELS have TWO shells? Is SPINACH an ALGAE? Is there more WATER than land on our EARTH? Can ANEMONES move? Does a SEA SNAIL have a HEART? Is a CRAB'S BLOOD bright blue? If a CRAB loses a leg, can it GROW a new one? Are DOLPHINS dangerous to humans? Does the FATHER seahorse lay the EGGS? Does a WHALE need to come to the surface to BREATHE? Is a SEAL a MAMMAL? Could you ever have a HATCHETFISH for DINNER? Can MORAY EELS grow up to TEN feet long? Can a SWALLOWER FISH eat fish bigger than itself? Is PLANKTON rich in VITAMINS? Do WHALES give birth to LIVE babies? Do HUMPBACK WHALES sing?